Bit by Bit


“Good things take time to come and bad things to leave us.” — Amaya

Instagram : ankitachakrawarty

Bit by bit, the darkness took over

Bit by bit, before my eyes it’all pieced and hover(ed)

Hidden and hushed, I try- recall where I chose wrong

Bit by bit, it started to crush my cover.

I saw the light striking in through the holes

Bit by bit, it started to reach lower

Bit by bit, illuminated the hand approaching closer

Bit by bit, I trusted the poser.

I climbed up to notice the darkness (be) gone

Turned around to find me lorn

Take leaps, let things fall in bit by bit

Bit by bit, let things be rebuilt if it may, over and over

And bit by bit, draw in colours, become its doer.

Follow me on Medium/Instagram to read more.



Ankita Chakrawarty

The world has several real issues, but I’ll still write stories of fiction | Writer | Social Media Marketing Enthusiast | Bollywood Maniac | Coffee Addict