Who is Ankita Chakrawarty?

Ankita Chakrawarty
4 min readDec 17, 2017


Source: [Google Images]

Wanting to know me or struggling to understand, here I paint to make it go easier for you. But the question arises. What do you wish to know about? Had it been the ‘What do I do’ ‘Where I belong from' information you were looking for, you were either in my Facebook profile or Twitter, maybe Linkedin. Had you been among people who read through pictures, you could be moving your fingers scrolling through the 168 pictures I currently have on Instagram, but if you were among people who don’t make a judgement till you see me live and living, Snapchat could be helpful. Woah! I just realized that I hold so many accounts. But then, why this piece of blog?

Ankita Chakrawarty. An ambivert. A book nerd yet a party lover, dancing as high as the beats. A sucker for coffee, but I still might sit in your couch, listening, with the tea you offer. A Bollywood maniac who often go out to movies and you’ll see me murmuring its songs for days. I love my life the Panda way; I do keep finding something new to come up with or through. I work on events, managing them; it’s something I lately felt that I wanted to do. Lately? Because I was preparing for IIT-JEE those days. I hate people drawing their camera focus to me, ironically I have a lot selfies on my fone, a lot more than expected, I mean.

You may consider me to be talkative reading all this, but if we ever happen to pass through the streets (Though I’m lazy to walk much to find you), I’ll just stare at your face while you speak.

If you’re reading this, you must ask which phase it is.

For if you think that you’ve known me, I shall ask which phase of mine.

I meet people and with some, I change, while some end up changing me, but then there is a constant footage of changes running in the reels of my life’s camera; each person pressing the shutter each time they come and each time when leaving.

As I’ve seen people passing by and believe me when I say plenty, I’ve known at least a thousand phases of mine but did I ever tell you, it’s on you to keep it constant?

For if you wish to know me, you must ask which phase it is.

For if you think that you’ve known me, I shall ask which phase of mine.

I could be the chattering smile, which you’d never know to keep hum, and I could be the introvert who won’t say a word until asked. I could be a diary open for you to read and for you to understand, and I could, still, be a pen out of ink for you to gift me scribbles in frames. I could be the barren canvas with an urge to be painted and I could be the colours splitting out a rainbow.

I could be the morning sunshine to hold in your eyes the first glimpse of all and I could be the full moon, exhibiting the light from else’s appearing on fortnights. I could be the one constantly around you, and I, knowing how much and how not I deserve, could be the one your eyes get deserted to see.

I could be the rain or the drought; I could be the season of autumn or the frost. I could be the shoulder you could cry on and I could be the stoppage you never want to hang on to. I could be the dearest of all, and I would then be, for you, distant by just a call. Yet again, I could be the worst of human you’ve known, and I, the evil king ruling on the throne.

But did I ever tell you, it’s on you to keep it constant?

Did I ever tell you that all these phases, it all could end?

Did I ever wish a forever with you, for my words are scratches on stones? Did I, word you my heart feeling so heavy inside the cage of bones?

For I won’t cry if you didn’t mean; if I don’t care, it won’t ever be a fake scene.

For if you think that you've known me, I shall ask which phase of mine. Shall I ask, rather, why weren’t you in the other phase if you had wanted to know me?

But believe me when I say plenty, believe me when I say-

I’m how you choose to keep me.



Ankita Chakrawarty

The world has several real issues, but I’ll still write stories of fiction | Writer | Social Media Marketing Enthusiast | Bollywood Maniac | Coffee Addict